Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

Here are a few of the many benefits to studying God’s Word.

Millions have no home—a situation not seen since the last world war.

The global free-for-all won’t go away just because the West ignores it.

Millions have no home—a situation not seen since the last world war.

The global free-for-all won’t go away just because the West ignores it.

Eleven centuries after Peter and James and John, there was Waldo.

Can modern education bring the utopia we’re all hoping for?

More people are hating Jews, and the Jews are afraid.

Eleven centuries after Peter and James and John, there was Waldo.

Every father has this same God-given responsibility.

The State Department evacuates the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli amid escalating violence.

More people are hating Jews, and the Jews are afraid.

True or false: ‘Nobody could have predicted the scale of the increase we saw this year.’

Every father has this same God-given responsibility.

State Department evacuates embassy in Tripoli amid escalating violence.

State Department evacuates embassy in Tripoli amid escalating violence.

True or false: ‘Nobody could have predicted the scale of the increase we saw this year.’

God’s prophetic message for His Church in the Middle Ages—and today!

God’s prophetic message for His Church in the Middle Ages—and today!

The ‘new’ anti-Semitism goes much deeper than you think.

John Kerry on President Obama’s foreign policy: ‘I think the president’s on the right track and I think we have the facts to prove it.’

The ‘new’ anti-Semitism goes much deeper than you think.

The story of two Christian churches—one false, and one true.

Open-door policies have led to a surge in illegal immigrants of all ages crossing the U.S. border.

John Kerry: ‘I think the president’s on the right track and I think we have the facts to prove it.’

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