Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

The gospel message Jesus proclaimed actually came from God the Father!

Amid the financial crises in Europe, Germany is achieving exactly what it wanted, but failed at, in two world wars.

When God has first place in your life, then you will begin to view the strenuous life not as something that bogs you down, but as an opportunity to move forward.

When God has first place in your life, then you will begin to view the strenuous life not as something that bogs you down, but as an opportunity to move forward.

The more we study and learn about our universe, the stronger the evidence becomes of an absolutely remarkable truth: There is an Author of the cosmos. And He intended for us to be able to study the stars to help us come to know more about Him—and His awesome purpose for mankind! our awesome

Success and accomplishment largely depends on thorough preparation.

Russia’s actions cause equal and opposite reactions.

Russia’s actions cause equal and opposite reactions.

So much knowledge and technological advancement—yet evils multiply. Why?

Jesus Christ has that title. But He’s not the only one.

So much knowledge and technological advancement—and yet, evils multiply. Why?

God won’t send another Winston Churchill—but He is sending a strong warning through a spiritual watchman.

God won’t send another Winston Churchill—but He is sending a strong warning through a spiritual watchman.

And how Herbert W. Armstrong predicted that fact more than 50 years ago.

And how Herbert W. Armstrong predicted that fact more than 50 years ago.

One hundred years on from World War I, the situation between Russia, Europe and the West looks startlingly familiar.

One hundred years on from World War I, the situation between Russia, Europe and the West looks startlingly familiar.

It’s the most beautiful and royal character trait there is.

Vladimir Putin isn’t the world’s only strong man.

It’s the most beautiful and royal character trait there is.

Vladimir Putin isn’t the world’s only strong man.

Behind the show of unity is an ominous reality. But behind that is something even more intriguing.

Behind the show of unity is an ominous reality. But behind that is something even more intriguing.

Russia and China are not behaving the way they are supposed to in America’s world of make-believe.

Russia and China are not behaving the way they are supposed to in America’s world of make-believe.

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