Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

Real spiritual growth comes when you are totally wrapped up in God’s work.

Americans aren’t interested in the world’s problems.

What will it take for Americans to wake up to what is happening in this world?

As spending on food stamps more than doubles, the Obama administration prepares to make devastating cuts in military spending.

As spending on food stamps more than doubles, the Obama administration prepares to make devastating cuts in military spending.

The Sochi Olympics are a celebration of the muscle, ambition and ruthlessness of Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

More fascinating history about the world’s oldest throne.

The Sochi Olympics are a celebration of the muscle, ambition and ruthlessness of Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Why is so much of the British coronation service based on the Holy Bible?

More fascinating history about the world’s oldest throne.

Why is so much of the British coronation service based on the Holy Bible?

A surprising number of Americans cannot.

It’s a promise God cannot and will not break!

A surprising number of Americans cannot.

When King Edward I captured the Stone of Destiny from Scotland, he immediately commissioned a coronation chair to be built to contain the Stone.

It’s a promise God cannot and will not break!

More inspiring history about the promise God made about David’s dynasty

When King Edward I captured the Stone of Destiny from Scotland, he immediately commissioned a coronation chair to be built to contain the Stone.

More inspiring history about the promise God made about David’s dynasty

God uses weather to communicate with mankind.

German leaders are no longer reluctant to push an aggressive foreign policy.

God uses weather to communicate with mankind.

Number your days—make the most of your time with God and with your family.

The indispensable core quality of God’s perfect, holy, righteous character.

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