Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

A lesson we can learn from the father of the faithful

As we’ve said so many times, keep your eyes on Jerusalem! But first you might want to think about the world at large.

As we’ve said so many times, keep your eyes on Jerusalem! But first you might want to think about the world at large.

It starts with understanding what’s behind the pervasive spirit of hopelessness and frustration.

People deceive themselves by thinking it is the same today as it has always been.

The simplest, most practical definition of God’s way of life

A ‘kind of madness’ we haven’t seen in a long time.

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

More than ever, our sons need a masculine example to look to. Here is the best.

A look back at Egypt’s shockingly rapid transformation into a radical Islamist state

Had Saul obeyed, what a difference it would have made.

Israel’s enemy is not primitive—and not alone.

Earlier this year, Stephen Flurry, his family and five Herbert W. Armstrong College students and alumni established a regional office for the Philadelphia Church of God in Jerusalem, Israel. Over the next 6 months, The Trumpet Daily produced 80 episodes and updates, filming from various locations throughout Jerusalem and the country. This episode sums up The Trumpet Daily’s Israel 2012 experience.

Palestinians in the West Bank are taking note of what Gazan rulers have achieved by attacking Israel.

Back in January 2011, Gerald Flurry prophesied that Ethiopia would eventually turn radical and ally itself with Iran—this despite the fact that the majority of Ethiopia is Christian. Today, tensions in Ethiopia between the Muslim minority and Christian majority have greatly escalated since the death of Ethiopia’s last prime minister and strongman, Meles Zenawi.

Thanks to a Mayan calendar prophecy, many people think the world will end this week.

This time, the deranged gunman targeted first graders.

Palestinians in the West Bank are taking note of what Gaza’s rulers have achieved by attacking Israel.

After the first round of a two-stage vote, it looks like a majority of Egyptians favor the new Islamist-backed constitution.

One in 10 human beings believe the Mayan calendar predicts civilization as we know it will come crashing down by the end of this week, on December 21, 2012. Will it? Or is this another false prophecy about the end of the world?

Israeli president says what happened 2,000 years ago will not happen again.

On December 10, the Associated Press reported that Israel is voicing concerns that a third intifada might soon erupt in the West Bank. Here is a review of a few recent developments that have happened in the region.

The world was left in a state of shock on Friday when a lone gunman broke into an elementary school in Connecticut and killed 20 children. Six women, including the principle and other school officials were also gunned down. Why do these unimaginable tragedies keep happening? What motivates young people to commit such perverse acts of violence? And why are these shocking attacks becoming more frequent?

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