Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

Thanks to his 17-day dictatorship, Mohammed Morsi got the sharia-based constitutional draft he wanted.

Israeli President Shimon Peres recently said he believes the United Nations vote that upgraded the status of the Palestinian Authority means that Israel and the Palestinians must return to the negotiating table. In order for peace talks to resume, he said, Israel must “forget the past” and move forward. Peres said, “We are not going to deal with Abraham, our father and brother. It’s over.” If Israel’s own leaders begin separating themselves from their biblically grounded heritage, will it finally bring peace?

Over the weekend Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi annulled his November 22 decree that had granted him totalitarian power and sparked a wave of protests across the nation. But was this really an act of conciliation on the part of Morsi or the Muslim Brotherhood?

On November 29, the UN General Assembly upgraded the status of the Palestinian Authority to a “non-member observer state.” While the resolution does not grant statehood or independence to the Palestinians, it is a significant diplomatic score for them. The day after, Israel announced plans to build 3,000 homes in East Jerusalem, a move that immediately triggered an international outcry. Both events are setting the stage to fulfill two key Bible prophecies.

Four important keys to successful time management.

Four important keys to successful time management.

Humiliation in Cairo and death in Benghazi shook America. But our response has been even more terrifying.

We need to understand the enormous impact the Egyptian-Iranian axis will have in the Middle East and even globally.

Recently, Dr. Eilat Mazar gave Trumpet Daily personality Stephen Flurry and his family a tour of the ongoing Ophel Excavation site.

We need to understand the enormous impact the Egyptian-Iranian axis will have in the Middle East and even globally.

Israel’s enemy is not primitive—and not alone.

The sirens that sounded in Jerusalem over the past week revealed just how deep the division is within the city.

Obama administration reverses itself on ‘Pillar of Defense.’

Every time Israel retreats, the terrorists advance.

The Middle East today is not what it was in early 2009, the last time Israel went on the offensive to reduce the missile fire coming out of Gaza. This month marked the first time rocket fire warning sirens have gone off in Jerusalem. It was the first time the “City of Peace” has ever been targeted by Hamas rockets, and it was the first time in 42 years that a rocket had been aimed at Jerusalem.

What role did Iran play in triggering the Gaza war?

What does the most recent conflict between Israel and Hamas reveal about the Middle East peace process? When Israel withdrew from Gaza seven years ago, many people said it would be the first step toward achieving peace in the Middle East. But instead, Israel’s departure opened the door for Hamas to take over and establish a terrorist camp right next to Israel.

Reporting from southern Israel, near the Gaza border. Over the past few weeks, southern Israel has been hit with hundreds of rockets launched by Hamas from Gaza, some reaching as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. On November 14 Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense, targeting hundreds of terrorist installations in Gaza for the past several days. But to truly understand this escalating conflict between Israel and Hamas, we need to see the grand strategy that’s at play.

Thoughts about what we heard tonight during the rocket attack.

In a recent Trumpet Daily, “Children are Their Oppressors,” we showed how the Bible prophecies that young people would rule over us in the latter days. The only way to fix the many problems of this society is to fix the broken families. True education begins in the home. It starts with the father and mother, as the proverb says, training up a child in the way he should go. The future welfare of our nation depends on it.

In November over 10,000 protestors stormed Tahrir Square in Cairo, calling for Islamic Sharia law to play a more prominent role in the drafting of Egypt’s new constitution. The current dispute over the wording may not even matter in the end, since the panel responsible for drafting the constitution is led by the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt’s president Mohammed Morsi is also a member of the Brotherhood, and in recent weeks he hasn’t exactly concealed his hostility toward Israel.

How will Egypt respond to the conflict?

Emboldened by the ascendency of radical Islam, Hamas draws Israel into another war.

What the youth vote reveals about America

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