Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

The Bible says King David was a man after God’s own heart—one who fulfilled all of God’s will. David wasn’t perfect, but he knew how to repent once confronted with his sins. In this program, Stephen Flurry reviews how David learned from his mistakes and looked to God for guidance and deliverance.

Why is there so much confusion in religion about the prophesied end-time Elijah? Many know that in the first century, John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah. But he was only a type of one to come in this end time.

Why isn’t the media curious about where they came from?

The Sea of Galilee can be considered the most famous body of water in the world—at least in the world of Bible history. It was here that Peter was able to walk on water, as long as he kept his eyes on Christ. In this program, Stephen Flurry covers how looking to Jesus Christ will give us the ability and strength we need to overcome.

When you walk through the ruins of what used to be the Roman city of Caesarea, you can sense that during the days of Jesus Christ and the first century Church, this city must have been one of the most splendid and modern harbor towns in all the world. In this program Stephen Flurry recounts the history of the first century Church in Caesarea.

Had Saul obeyed, what a difference it would have made.

Over 3,000 years ago, the Philistines sent their champion warrior out into the Valley of Elah to taunt the armies of Israel day after day. It was a time when Israel needed a courageous leader to step forward and fight for God. But of all the best-trained warriors in Israel, none would stand up and fight this giant. In this program, Stephen Flurry recounts the history of David and Goliath and the epic battle in the Valley of Elah.

God rejected Saul as king over Ancient Israel because his heart wasn’t right with God. The Bible calls David, on the other hand, a man after God’s heart. He thought and acted like God! In this program, Stephen Flurry examines how to have a heart like God’s.

What is behind the rising tide of hatred toward Jews?

Here’s what you can do!

When the Ancient Israelites demanded the Prophet Samuel give them a king like the other nations around them, God gave them one that they chose—a wealthy, influential, good-looking, powerful man from the tribe of Benjamin. When Saul began his reign, he was actually a humble servant who was deeply submissive to God’s authority—but he didn’t remain that way. In this program, Stephen Flurry continues examining what we can learn by studying the example of Saul’s life.

God gave King Saul His Holy Spirit so that he could develop a heart after God’s own heart. After the start, Saul’s attitude was right with God and became converted to God’s way of life. Saul could have been a very powerful instrument in the hand of God—had he remained humble. In this program, Stephen Flurry examines what we can learn about leadership by studying the example of Saul’s life.

New alliances are being formed in the Middle East that will soon shake the world.

When you think about the greatest king to ever rule Ancient Israel, David is the one personality that immediately comes to mind. But the Bible reveals that long before David ever came along, God Himself was actually Israel’s King! In this program, Stephen Flurry reviews the history of when Israel rejected God as their King.

According to tradition, God first appeared to the prophet Samuel when he was just 13 years old. God called on this young teenager to restore true worship within the priesthood. In this series on Samuel, Stephen Flurry continues reviewing the remarkable life of the prophet Samuel.

Three years after President Obama’s historic speech in Cairo, the Muslim world is vastly more radicalized.

In ancient Israel God used the prophet Samuel to bridge the gap between the period of the judges and the establishment of the Davidic monarchy. It is in Samuel’s writings that we first learn about the restoration of God’s royal family rule to this Earth through David’s throne. In many ways, the prophet Samuel marks the beginning of God’s plan to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. In this series on Samuel, Stephen Flurry travels to the approximate site of the ancient prophet’s hometown to review the life of the prophet Samuel.

According to the way God organized the Old Testament canon, the book of Chronicles was meant to be the very last book of the Hebrew Bible. A closer look at this book shows that its whole focus is on the kingdom of Judah and the throne of David. In the final episode of this three-part series, Stephen Flurry illustrates how the perpetual covenant of David’s throne bridges the gap between the old and new testaments.

The story of two brilliant visionaries who shared a passion for beautifying God’s eternal city.

Some say the Davidic covenant was conditional, and that when future generations rebelled, David’s throne ended. But God told David that if Solomon or the children of Israel disobeyed, He would chasten them with the rod of men—but that He would not break the covenant! In the second episode of this three-part series, Stephen Flurry illustrates how the perpetual covenant of David’s throne bridges the gap between the old and new testaments.

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