Robert Morley

What a year! Here is a quick recap of the year’s biggest events, and the trends we might expect to continue into 2008.

Britain’s history of miracles made it great. The Lisbon Treaty represents the shameful end to that history.

Some people want to believe you can get something from nothing. It just isn’t possible. When you hear otherwise, it is time to read between the lines.

Will America’s weak dollar trigger a global trade war?

Home prices have fallen more than you’ve been told; is the economy ready to freeze up?

How inflation punishes both spenders and savers

Do you remember the following words? They are coming true before your eyes today!

The Federal Reserve has shown its hand. It is willing to do anything to postpone a recession and save the banking sector—even if it means destroying the dollar.

America is aging and politicians have squandered the nation’s retirement money. Who will provide the cash to pay for all the promises?

With the U.S. real-estate and financial markets in turmoil, stock market optimism seems to be hitting new highs. Dot-coms are again leading the way up, but should investors be plowing money into stocks when the economy seems to be slowing?

Led by Japan and China, investors dumped U.S. securities by the truckload in August, sparking fears of a growing global aversion to U.S. assets.

European, Asian and Middle Eastern corporations are taking advantage of a weak dollar to grab technology and wipe out American competition.

America, and much of the Western world, is addicted to welfare. Leaving aside the vast economic costs, the fabric of society is being ripped apart.

America, and much of the Western world, is addicted to welfare. But the cost of government “giveaways” is far higher than you may think.

How greed almost triggered a global financial collapse—and why we can expect the fallout to continue.

Canadian politicians kowtow to supporters of terrorist groups. Why?

America, and much of the Western world, is addicted to welfare. But the cost of government “giveaways” is far higher than you may think.

Questions loom whether China is behind recent dollar sales—if it is, America’s way of life is about to change. The only question is how badly and how fast.

Washington is set to celebrate “good news” about the deficit. Expect this party to get crashed in a bad way.

The Israeli government comes to terms with terrorist rocket attacks against its citizens and lets them go by.

The unfolding “made in America” worldwide subprime mortgage crisis has foreign bankers demanding international regulation of American markets, banks and rating agencies.

The “made in America” subprime contagion has gone global. Finger-pointing has begun, and the consequences may soon begin to be felt.

Vladimir Putin and the Russian Air Force are making Washington, London and the European Union jittery.

The housing slowdown is spreading to construction suppliers and home improvement chains. Will squeezed profit margins lead to job cuts?

The U.S. mortgage market is sending tremors around the world—is the “big one” on its way?

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