Dennis Leap

Is the Bible religious myth or accurate history? Some highly educated people say the Bible’s history cannot be trusted. What do you think? Here is an important article to help you clarify your thoughts.

Do we have the complete Bible? Has God’s Word been preserved for us accurately? You can prove that it has.

Critics claim that Moses’s books are clever forgeries. Here is our answer to the critics.

Just what is Bible criticism? How does it affect you?

The Bible consistently tops the list of bestselling books. Yet few know it. It is time to take a fresh look at the Book of books.

Are you content with the material possessions that you have? Or do you anxiously want more? Here’s how to curb your desires for more material things.

Some today believe that there are good lies and bad lies. Here is the truth about lying.

Stealing is the “acceptable” sin. Could you be a thief? Here’s how you can prevent this sin from entering into your life.

Here is God’s sound advice to those tempted to commit fornication and adultery.

Do you know all there is to know about the Sixth Commandment?

Stable families are the foundation of strong nations. The Fifth Commandment shows us how to keep our families and nations strong.

God instructs all men to remember His Sabbath day. It is the day mankind works hard to forget! This article reveals the Fourth Commandment.

Do you know God—what He is like? God is known by His name. Do you use God’s name properly? This article explains how to fully obey the Third Commandment.

Is it possible you may be guilty of some form of idolatry? The sin of idolatry is more common than you might think. Here is the next article in our series about the Ten Commandments.

This article begins our series on the Ten Commandments. Be sure to read and study all the scriptures quoted.

How to live an abundant, happy life of freedom is no secret. God tells us that keeping the Ten Commandments is the only way. Will we believe God?

As technology gives us more sophisticated means to acquire knowledge, much attention is being focused on studying the human brain. Science ponders, why is the human brain far superior to the animal brain? This article shows why science cannot find the answer.

Why does modern Christianity have so many different messages about the end of the world?

Experts focus on the positive advancements of the Internet. We must also become aware of its potential for evil.

It is the most read-about subject in business. It is the most talked-about theme in politics. But leadership is also the most-needed commodity for today’s problem-choked world. Why?

We are entering into a closing phase of the court case spawned by the Worldwide Church of God. Here is an update on the latest happenings—and what’s ahead.

Californians are facing rolling blackouts this summer. What is the real cause behind California’s energy crisis?

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