Andrew Miiller

Russia, China and India have enough gold to attack the dollar.

Joe Biden is waving the white flag of surrender at the southern border.

The media is no longer trying to hide its ‘not-at-all-secret gay agenda.’

Even the Federal Elections Commission is admitting Clinton committed a crime.

At least 38 percent of the world’s population is looking to ditch the dollar.

Why Joe Biden’s budget will bankrupt the United States

Adopting a central bank digital currency is a surefire path to authoritarianism.

The truth about the 2020 election is slowly leaking out to the public.

Half the world eats food grown with synthetic chemicals derived from natural gas.

America’s culture wars are about to get worse.

Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Media are working together to make a mountain of money!

Nations are looking for a new reserve currency as inflation eats up the old one.

Russia’s invasion could release dangerous pathogens.

The radical left is sabotaging American energy independence.

The cost of grain is going up as Ukrainians decide whether to farm or fight.

What is the current administration’s endgame in Eastern Europe?

The radical left is working to fundamentally transform America’s economy.

Despite claims to the contrary, America’s inflation crisis will get much, much worse.

A federal executive admitted the fda is pushing vaccines for money.

What happens to a country built on the principles of critical race theory?

Americans are robbing the next generation to live beyond their means.

A foreign power that controls the Caribbean Sea could cripple the U.S. economy.

Political corruption truly is a national security threat.

Vladimir Putin’s energy weapons could plunge the world into a winter of despair.

A destructive drug is enabling criminal organizations to muscle into the country.

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