Andrew Miiller

How different would America be today if another justice had been nominated in his place?

A large body of research shows that illegal immigrants are displacing native-born blacks and Hispanics in the workforce.

Farmers face a choice between genocide or Zimbabwe-style land grabs.

The radical transformation in American culture illustrates how a vocal minority can overcome a silent majority.

During the Cold War, the United States government recruited hundreds of former Nazi agents to work as American spies and informants.

The fact that the U.S. imprisons a larger share of its population than any other nation masks the fact that it has a serious crime problem.

The Bible instructs us to flee fornication, but the Boy Scouts of America seems to be encouraging it.

New high-tech weapons are transforming China into a dominant naval force with great power over world trade.

During his bizarre shooting rampage, Jonathan Oddi denounced President Donald Trump.

How much power do unelected bureaucrats and intelligence agents wield inside the United States government?

The nation is heading toward violence if portions of the military, police or intelligence community are beholden to different politicians.

Terrorists and other criminals are laundering $43 billion a year in the Tri-Border Area.

People tend to forget God when a secular entity is providing their needs.

A new California bill aims to punish therapists who counsel people about how to overcome gender confusion.

Major media outlets are hiring former intelligence agents to discredit, damage and possibly end Trump’s presidency.

Bitter division in America today is leading toward a time of civil strife.

Catholic social teaching is not identical to Marxism, but there are strong similarities.

Spiritual sickness threatens to plunge the entire North American continent into an unprecedented epidemic of violence.

Teenagers are loudly demanding policy changes, and adults are cheering them on. This isn’t the heroic development many want.

Foreign military facilities may become unaffordable as the U.S. redirects dwindling financial resources to defend its own borders.

A serious conflict between President Trump and the intelligence agents who work for him threatens to undermine our constitutional republic.

Approximately 25,000 Chinese intelligence officers are working in the U.S.

Your paycheck won’t stretch as far when your nation is in a trade war.

When government agents spy on the president, the nation is dangerously close to experiencing a ‘deep state’ coup.

Americans in counties with more broken homes are more likely to die from drug use.

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