Andrew Miiller

The ‘spiritual son’ of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is calling for a European solution to the migrant crisis.

Nearly 100,000 people perished during Fidel Castro’s reign of terror—history Black Lives Matter finds inspiring.

Who is more dangerous, the Sinaloa drug cartel or the United States pharmaceutical industry?

Contradictions in the alliance between radical leftists and Islamic fundamentalists only make sense when you realize both ideologies have the same short-term goal.

People across the Western world are embracing a bold new vision for family life—without even realizing it.

Military personnel need sound counsel more than ever, but the Obama administration is making it illegal for Christian chaplains to give Bible-based advice.

The fact that ancient records speak of a scientist among the Chaldeans who had a special relationship with ‘the mighty God’ isn’t coincidence.

Beijing has a documented plan to be the premier global superpower by 2049. It’s over halfway there.

America is moving into a dangerous era where the only constraints on presidential power are no longer constitutional—merely political.

Strong support among youth for Bernie Sanders reveals the nation’s immediate future.

The reason mass shootings have increased threefold since 2011 is because the moral fiber of America is breaking down.

This weekend’s mass shooting was a direct result of government officials turning a blind eye to Islamic extremism.

While the Bilderberg Group may not be the world shadow government of conspiracy theorist lore, it is still one of the most influential groups in the world.

In the event of a future conflict, the United States could find itself outnumbered and outmaneuvered on the high seas.

A little-known pact being negotiated between Washington and Brussels concerns the transfer of American sovereignty to globalist bodies outside the United States.

Escalating civil unrest is transforming the political climate of America and Europe.

Bypassing the checks and balances imposed by America’s founders, the executive branch has come to new heights of power.

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