Andrew Miiller

Unless something drastically changes, the future of the United States lays in the hands of those who favor democratic socialism over limited government.

Vladimir Putin now has his own private army to enforce policies he is borrowing from both Russia’s Soviet and czarist history.

Decades of peer-reviewed research prove that pornography shapes people’s views of intimacy, sexual violence and gender equality in a bad way.

The Russian Orthodox Church has replaced the Communist Party as the ideological glue holding Vladimir Putin’s empire together.

Comparing the Oregon standoff with the Black Lives Matter movement shows how divided America has become on the issue of federal law enforcement.

Americans are no longer taught the rationale behind why the Founders limited the power of the federal government.

Before Americans ‘leave behind the ideological battles of the past,’ it might be prudent to ask whether the Castro regime has changed its stripes.

The most destructive legacy of the Obama administration may be mainstreaming the idea that a president can act unilaterally if Congress doesn’t implement his agenda!

The 2016 presidential election is shaping up to be a contest between democratic socialism and national populism.

Comparing the Oregon standoff with the Black Lives Matter movement shows how divided America has become on the issue of federal law enforcement.

The ideological roots of America’s president are more radical than most people realize. Understanding this history is vital to understanding America’s future.

Many today ridicule prior generations’ concern over Communist infiltration. But current trends are bringing that concern back into focus.

Pornography, anime cartoons, texting, video games and Facebook are pulling an entire generation away from traditional relationships.

Federal and local authorities are building a paramilitarized police force. Is this a good idea?

Because South Sudan is a strategically-located, oil-rich, predominantly-Christian country, both Germany and the Vatican have a deep interest in its political future!

Pope Francis is adamantly opposed to free-market capitalism, and he denies being a Marxist. What does this make him? You need to know the answer!

To win at this stage, says American Communist Rick Nagin, we need to emulate the steadfastness shown by Nelson Mandela and the South African Communist Party.

Does Jeh Johnson still support NSA surveillance and drone strikes against Americans?

Most people chose to remember Nelson Mandela as they saw him after 1994. One influential South African politician remembers a different side of the story!

In a number of cases, China appears to be trying to purchase entire American communities in one fell swoop. Is some form of economic colonization taking place?

The recent gang-related murder in Oklahoma is just one of the violent results.

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