Andrew Miiller

The public perception across Europe is that American intelligence agencies are stealing European industrial secrets. Such an atmosphere of transatlantic mistrust could lead to bigger problems.

As the Arab Spring revealed, Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood are masters at co-opting democratic revolutions for Islamist causes. Will Ethiopia be the next nation to fall to this strategy?

The arms race between American street gangs, American citizens and American government clearly resembles the three-way civil war raging in Mexico. Is America headed for massive civil unrest?

As world threats increase and economic conditions worsen, the government is considering a federalized police force as a way to increase national security. Is this a good idea?

As America grapples with the fiscal cliff, China and Germany are increasing their military presence in an African nation vital to global seaborne trade.

The eurozone crisis is allowing German leaders to reshape Europe into a superstate dominated by 10 nations!

Sri Lanka’s transformation from British colony to Chinese pearl highlights the declining influence of America and Britain in the Indian Ocean.

U.S. leadership has largely ignored Latin America while Europe and China have made inroads. Such negligence may prove to be a great strategic blunder.

The impending death of socialist autocrat Hugo Chávez could kick off a Roman Catholic Spring that would realign Venezuela with a European-based Holy Roman Empire.

In the advent of a military strike against Iran, Hezbollah agents spread throughout the United States could change strategy, moving from surveillance and fund-raising to launching terrorist attacks.

With Russia funneling cash to the al Assad regime and Germany giving politico-military support to the rebels, the entire Syrian civil war can be viewed as a proxy war between Moscow and Berlin!

As violence against Christians intensifies in Egypt, many Coptic Christians will start looking for a new type of Pope to protect them!

How easy would it be for Berlin to forcibly tax all Germans and turn over their money to Rome, when it is already involved in tithe collection for state-recognized religions?

How Egypt is acting as a liaison between Shiite Iran and a constellation of radical, Sunni powers spread across North Africa.

The discontent that is currently simmering in Europe will soon prove to be the catalyst that leads to the ascension of a dictator.

According to a set of groundbreaking new agreements, China and Japan may soon be trading with each other using Chinese yuan instead of American dollars.

If Iran closes off the Strait of Hormuz, it could unleash massive economic chaos in both Europe and America.

With Arab dictatorships crumbling across the Middle East, the prospect of a regime change in Syria carries heavy regional implications.

A Vatican-dominated Europe is about to take radical action against the threat of radical Islam and bring the specter of the Crusades to life once again.

Expect a pro-Iranian successor regime to soon arise in Ethiopia.

The creditworthiness of U.S. banks will take a serious hit if the eurozone debt crisis deepens and spreads beyond its five most-troubled nations.

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