Andrew Miiller

Euro or no euro, Germany is the sole nation with sufficient bullion to back a federal currency.

The recent demand by a South African politician that white-owned businesses be seized provides an ominous glimpse into the future.

Will Ethiopia soon fall to Iranian-backed insurgents, giving Tehran full control over the southern entrance to the world’s most important trade route?

German politicians and industrialists are working together to secure new supplies of rare earth material.

The day is coming when Washington will have more military challenges to handle than just Afghanistan.

Why it is important to watch events currently unfolding in Germany

Iran is using the Mexican drug cartels to smuggle terrorists onto American soil.

Seventy years after fascist Italy formally allied with Nazi Germany, the government in Rome is again being filled by those who sympathize with Benito Mussolini.

Japan moves another step away from post-World War II remorse and a step closer to a world-class military.

Will Spain be the next domino to fall?

Seventy years after the Nazi Anschluss of Austria, the government in Vienna is again being filled by those who sympathize with Adolf Hitler.

Germany and the Vatican are moving toward a financial new world order.

Seventy years after the Nazi Anschluss of Austria, the government in Vienna is again controlled largely by those who sympathize with Adolf Hitler.

Are the nuclear warheads America is storing in Europe about to come under German control?

Germany’s economic policy is strengthening its place at the heart of Europe—and irritating the German people. This has happened before.

Have you noticed? Headlines emerging from South America signal a potential threat to the U.S. greater than Islamism and communism combined.

Threats from Russia are going to trigger a European backlash that will cause the continent to unite militarily.

In Germany, at least, right-wing and left-wing extremism are not as different as you may think.

Are the nuclear warheads America is storing in Europe about to come under German control?

A terrorist command center within striking distance of Europe.

Pyongyang has played cat-and-mouse over its nuclear program and other illicit activities for over a decade. Is this really a time to take it off the terror-sponsor list?

Vatican inroads into Ukraine are facilitating a strategic alliance between the Roman Catholic Church and her Eastern Orthodox sisters.

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