Andrew Miiller

Germany’s current economic policy is strengthening the nation as the economic heart of Europe even as it simultaneously causes discontent among the people. This has happened before.

As South America unifies, it is increasingly looking to Europe rather than the United States.

Ireland’s rejection of the Lisbon Treaty will not be the end of a forming European Empire. Here’s why!

North Africa could become an Afghanistan-like terrorist command center within striking distance of Europe.

Gulf Arab oil-producing states may soon abandon their currencies’ peg to the dollar.

Economic ties that German corporate agents have been actively establishing in Latin America are about to give the European Union a network of colonies.

Friendly relations between Europe and Israel are setting the stage for a historic double-cross.

Will appeasing China mean Taiwan gets annexed?

Pope Benedict and his Catholic hierarchy are using the abortion issue to take down national governments that oppose their will—but what comes next?

As the political landscape of Europe shifts to the right, Italy is jumping on the bandwagon, and Germany is emerging as the leader.

As Germany’s military presence expands into combat zones around the world, the nation is rediscovering its military traditions—and shattering generation-long taboos.

The Roman Catholic bishop of Kosovo believes that Kosovo’s Muslims need a “cultural baptism” into Catholicism. How is the Vatican influencing events in the Balkans?

Russia is undermining America and empowering Israel’s enemies under an ideology of peace.

Do you understand how significant recent events in Kosovo are? A major battle is heating up between two rising superpowers!

Will Taiwan’s efforts to appease Beijing result in it being annexed by mainland China?

The German cabinet is meeting with Israeli officials in Jerusalem to forge a new alliance. Where will it lead?

Gazprom has halved Ukraine’s natural gas supply and taught Europe three major lessons.

Both America and China want to be Japan’s military partner. Japan will have to choose between them.

Moscow supports Bosnian and Kosovo Serbs uniting with their motherland. Europe is trying to further divide them. What does the future hold for the Balkans?

Could the actions of a few irresponsible U.S. soldiers further crack the Japan-American military alliance?

Iran is aiding both sides of the Afghanistan conflict in an attempt to position itself as the dominant power of a forming Islamic caliphate.

Taiwan has a new, pro-Chinese parliament. What will the future between Taiwan and China be?

George Bush is touring the Mideast warning the world that Iran is still dangerous. Will anyone listen?

As violent crime rises among foreign immigrants in Europe, the calls for deportations are getting louder.

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