Richard Palmer

Britain would do well to remember these overlooked warnings from one of its most revered poets.

Germany: a country with a grown-up foreign policy

‘Poland wants a strong, active German Army,’ says Poland’s defense minister.

The gut-wrenching facts of what happened teach us a lot about today’s Britain. Thankfully, it isn’t the end of the story.

The rise of Islamic State gives the Catholic Church ‘a great opportunity and also a great responsibility.’

Britain’s anti-EU party gets its first elected member of Parliament, while the EU makes itself more unpopular than ever.

The United Kingdom faces the biggest shake-up in over three centuries.

Germany has escalated its military activity without increasing its budget. Now its armed forces badly need more cash.

Even Germany is beginning to succumb to the upstarts.

Russia snatches victory from the jaws of defeat.

Scotland could be about to make a catastrophic mistake in the name of more government handouts.

Abandoned by authorities, at least 1,400 youths have been sexually abused by Pakistani rape gangs.

Remember the #BringBackOurGirls campaign? Now the bad guys are stronger than ever.

The latest economic reports prove that another round of economic crises in Europe is not a question of if, but when.

The Dutch Army is being absorbed into the German military, and Poland’s could be next.

For the first time, a non-American will serve as chief of staff for the U.S. Army in Europe.

Europe gets serious.

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