Richard Palmer

Who started the First World War? As the world commemorates the 100th anniversary of the war, the answer to this question is more important than ever.

And how this is affecting European politics—again.

Hungary’s prime minister debunks the myth that history is one long march toward Western-style government.

‘There’s a new feeling of what it means to be German.’

‘This has never happened in Christian or Islamic history. Even Genghis Khan or Hulagu didn’t do this.’

Operation Serval gives way to Operation Barkhan to cover more territory.

For the terrorist group ISIS, establishing a caliphate is simply one step on the road to war with Europe.

Security guards hold back anti-Semitic lynch mob outside a full synagogue.

How Russia’s war with the West will continue, even if Ukraine goes quiet

A papal interview proves the Catholic Church is unrepentant of its past mistakes.

Ukraine signed a key agreement with the EU. Does that mean Europe has won?

The answer eludes science—but it isn’t beyond our reach.

Want to understand events in Ukraine? You need to realize the sky-high stakes for those involved.

Jean-Claude Juncker is on his way to the EU presidency, which means Britain is on its way out.

‘The Polish-American alliance is worthless, even harmful,’ Poland’s foreign minister allegedly said.

German arms exports reached their highest level in 10 years as the nation makes an unprecedented deal with Algeria.

‘Germany is doomed … to play an increasingly important role.’

The Netherlands’ only airmobile brigade is now under German command.

A Russian invasion could shatter the alliance.

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