Richard Palmer

In Britain and America, we rarely encounter anti-Semitism—in the rest of the world, it’s a different story.

Instead of taking action, the U.S. merely pleads with a terrorist group.

As the EU gears up for an election campaign, no one knows who the next president will be, or even how he will be selected.

Not yet, but in the future there may be.

And why Eastern Europe needs to be rid of Russia.

The world’s biggest Earth-observation program gets underway in Europe.

EU intends to send 800 soldiers, while deepening its trade relationship with other African states.

Germany responds to Eastern Europe’s calls for help.

What modern farming is doing to our soil—and why you should care

François Hollande’s surrender makes Germany the undisputed head of a union capable of shaking the world.

France’s fringe party is upsetting the nation’s politics.

The morning-after pill and contraceptives to be handed out in schools.

Meanwhile, ex-generals call for Germany to beef up its army.

What role will the man labeled as ‘the German pope’ and ‘Europe’s super bishop’ play in the Catholic Church?

How will Europe respond to another radical Islamist uprising in its backyard?

The ‘reddest of red carpets’ is rolled out for Chancellor Angela Merkel.

When it comes to dealing with Russia, Germany is now the leader of the free world.

Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Herbert W. Armstrong forecasted that Eastern Europe would be at the heart of a new European power. Ukraine is making that happen.

Want a case study of what happens when Catholicism mixes with politics? Look at Spain.

Is Russia preparing to invade?

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