Richard Palmer

Is Russia preparing to invade?

Italy’s upheavals point to a dangerous political crisis brewing in Europe.

A symbol of Franco-German unity is now a symbol for Germany’s new appetite for military adventures.

Switzerland’s move away from the EU could prompt Britain to do the same.

Britain has been hit with a ‘highly unusual’ series of storms, tides and wet and windy weather.

The German Constitutional Court has made a huge European financial crisis inevitable.

America’s global retreat is pushing Germany to radically change its role in the world.

A new Jihadist group is demonstrating its power to attack Egypt, and beyond.

A left-wing party may have joined the government, but Germany won’t be saying farewell to arms dealing.

How Germany’s African policy is winning Berlin power in Europe

What is behind the German central bank’s demand for a wealth tax in crisis-hit nations?

Europe’s anti-Germany champion throws in the towel.

A new photo from the Hubble telescope reveals galaxies 10 to 20 times fainter than anything ever seen before.

England’s established church no longer wants to say that Christians must obey Christ.

Church and State never fully separated in Spain and the two are drawing closer together. Should you be worried?

Nature abhors a power vacuum.

Economic recovery or economic disaster—what lies ahead for Europe?

The EU made some important steps toward a common military, but the most significant ones were blocked by Britain.

America abandoned central Europe to try and make friends with Russia—and got nothing in return.

Shaking up the military, dealing with Europe, and perhaps even tilting toward Russia

Could distrust in the dollar have anything to do with it?

Current use of fertilizer could lead to a global famine and civilization’s collapse, according to academics.

Russia is bullying Ukraine into submission, setting the stage for a more assertive Moscow.

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