Richard Palmer

Europe’s wait is probably over.

A 200-year-old pillar of America’s foreign policy is gone. Should we rejoice?

Spain repeatedly defies Britain, yet London does nothing.

Germany lays out its ambitions for the next four years, including a plan to ‘strive for an ever closer associate of European forces, which can evolve into a parliamentary European army.’

Another leftist attack on the family? No—it’s worse.

Will American authorities ‘set their attack dogs on any company which has become a thorn in Mr. Obama’s side’?

Germany used to take the back seat within NATO. Now the whole alliance is signing up to the German vision of its future.

The phony outrage from Europe’s leaders is the least of America’s problems.

With elections out the way, German Chancellor Angela Merkel can now return to fixing the euro.

The war in this hostile theater has provided the Germans with something that couldn’t be supplied by men, machines or explosives.

EU Parliament President Martin Schulz visited the Vatican, invited the pope to address the EU, and invoked the memory of Charlemagne.

Roughly 400 immigrants have died in shipwrecks over the last two weeks. The EU is using this as an excuse to beef up surveillance of the Mediterranean Sea and open up an intelligence base in Libya.

German plans include forming a combined air force with the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

The Central African Republic teeters on the brink of becoming the next Mali. Is it the next front in Europe’s battle with radical Islam for control of North Africa?

Syria and Iran have both called for Germany to mediate in their conflicts. Germany is now the Middle East’s intermediary of choice.

The stunning truth behind some misleading headlines.

Last year Britain was shocked to discover its doctors were aborting fetuses simply because they were the ‘wrong gender.’ Now authorities have decided to look the other way.

Britain’s standing in the world has never been lower. America is hardly faring better. A puny dictator has humbled the nations that dominated the world for 200 years.

It’s the most important war in the world right now, yet it barely makes the headlines.

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