Richard Palmer

Why you need to pay attention to the unrest in Cairo.

Take a quick glance at Gibraltar and you realize there’s no way Britain is ever going to give it up. Here’s why the quick glance is deceiving.

Radical Islam is back on the offensive.

How Germany is building a European army

There is clear evidence that al Qaeda and Iran are working together, despite the war in Syria.

Egypt’s liberal groups condemn the army’s new constitution.

President Morsi has been deposed and the army is in control. Where’s the nation heading now?

Ireland had to submit to a humiliating bailout in 2010. Now secret tape recordings indicate the bailout may have been caused by senior bankers misleading the government.

Africa’s largest oil producer is almost in a civil war. Is Iran about to make it worse?

Britain’s military commanders now have to worry about being sued if they make mistakes.

Why do children’s TV shows like Peppa Pig teach children that their fathers are useless buffoons?

“The people at the ECB are really afraid” as they await Germany’s ruling, says a court official.

Is the EU trying to make itself more unpopular in Britain?

Germany and the Netherlands form a joint task force.

Over 300 cars burn as youth from immigrant backgrounds clash with police.

An alliance the Trumpet forecast 20 years ago is taking center stage in Syria.

France’s economic collapse has destroyed the Franco-German alliance. That means the end of the EU as we know it.

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