Richard Palmer

UKIP came third in local elections, upsetting a three-party system that has existed since World War II.

Britain’s education system is failing both men and women when it says there is no difference between the genders.

France reacts strongly to new homosexual ‘marriage’ laws. Could this be the start of a ‘Catholic Spring’ in Europe?

The number of stay-at-home mothers hits record-low level.

The European Union seems determined to destroy London as a global financial center.

Southern Europe is stuck in a trap that forces it to give up power to Germany.

Your governments are already helping themselves.

Do you need to worry about the new flu headlines?

How the events of last week have changed the euro crisis

The new bailout agreement has destroyed Cyprus’s economy, leaving the nation dependent on Germany for years to come.

Cyprus’s harsh bailout was clearly the result of a thorough German plan.

Germany’s demands for Cyprus shock the world.

Across Europe, the people are protesting. But they’re not fed up with a particular party or person. They’re rallying against the whole political system.

Germany wins in Cyprus’s presidential elections.

Moody’s warns Britain over its failure to control its debt.

The euro proves it still has the power to spark the unrest that brings down governments.

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