Richard Palmer

Germany has ramped up its involvement in the Middle East, sending up to 330 troops to assist in the EU Mali mission to prevent the spread of Islam.

More evidence that Greek society is falling apart

America looks to Europe to stimulate its economy.

3.5 million Protestants take an important step in reconciling with Rome.

Even those against homosexual “marriage” are woefully ignorant.

South America’s military is so closely tied to Europe that no South America nation could win a war without the EU’s support.

Mussolini’s popularity in Italy gives a powerful warning about the future of Europe.

Negotiations over Cyprus’s bailout show how much sovereignty the country has given up.

Half of Spain’s young people cannot find jobs. That’s a recipe for chaos.

How a New Year’s celebration reveals France’s divided society

Total victory for the pope as the English Catholic Church finally submits to the Vatican.

The United States is abandoning Britain in favor of a new friend—the European Union.

Where are young people buying drugs today? The truth will shock you.

A new report highlights one of 2012’s most important underreported stories: Islam’s attack on Christianity.

With Assad’s regime ready to topple, Russia and Europe are moving closer to making a deal on Syria.

Britain’s economy is heading for disaster, and 94 percent of the country knows nothing about it.

Germany proves it controls Europe, and ensures things stay that way.

Cypriot president is forced to sign a bailout—and compares it to being invaded by Turkey. Now Europe “will essentially take control of the Mediterranean island,” one news source says.

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