Richard Palmer

Does your diet include this simple ingredient? The health benefits are too great to ignore!

America is pulling out of North Africa and the Middle East. Another power is gearing up to fill the void.

What Britain’s Bonfire Night was really about.

Where are young people buying drugs today? The truth will shock you!

As protests sweep Europe, and states threaten to proclaim independence, Switzerland is worried about mass unrest.

The EU is preparing an invasion in North Africa.

Britain takes its most significant step ever away from European Union.

Curiosity, NASA’s miraculous Mars rover, has already revealed a remarkable discovery.

A proposed merger would make Britain’s defense completely dependent on France and Germany.

One of the Trumpet’s longest-standing predictions is on the brink of being fulfilled.

What happens to society when the economy collapses

The 1930s are coming back.

Iran gains a “diplomatic coup” in Egypt as relations with Israel flounder.

And it shows the awesome potential of your mind.

England’s majestic capital isn’t what it seems.

Relaxing arms trading rules, testing tanks in Saudi Arabia and an initiative to put the German Army “at the center of society” show the German military and arms manufacturers becoming increasingly important to the nation.

What happened in the Barclays scam and how it shows the end of Britain’s banking system

What happens when we treat the effect without addressing the cause?

Germany’s parliament must be involved at the start of all EU treaty negotiations—elevating it above all other parliaments—Germany’s Constitutional Court rules.

What really happened with the Spanish bailout, and what does it mean for Europe?

As the city of Aachen awards the annual Charlemagne prize, European leaders congratulate each other on following in the legacy of Charlemagne. But what is this legacy? It contains a dangerous warning for you today!

What would Churchill say?

The far right shocks the world in France. A leading German politician says Islam ‘does not belong in Germany.’ Views that were once considered extreme are the new normal in Europe.

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