Richard Palmer

From medicine to the economy, treating the effect without solving the cause never works in the long run.

What Israel has to fear, even if it doesn’t get nuked.

Now those Islamists control 72 percent of Egypt’s parliament. You need plain truth, not liberal fantasies.

Far over your head, the heavens are becoming a battlefield.

The EU amends Greece’s constitution.

The British government stands ‘side by side with the pope.’

Control of space is essential for a modern military. That is what China’s latest space paper is all about.

‘Forget the terrible news you’ve read. Your mind’s at ease in an ostrich head.’

Why they’re wrong to say that Europe is finished.

And unknowingly upgrades a unified core Europe under German leadership.

If the eurozone is going to survive this crisis, it must take power away from national parliaments.

One massacre was exaggerated. Another went unreported. The reason for the double standard is shameful.

What were the real results of Thursday’s eurozone meeting?

Exciting scientific and technological developments are happening all over the world. But for the first time in 100 years, America is not in the lead.

History, geography and the Bible all agree—the president’s trust in Germany is dangerous.

The untold truth about Ratko Mladic

German Chancellor Merkel’s proposal to save the euro was renamed and watered down, but it still established a new economic government modeled after German principles.

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