Jeremiah Jacques

The giants of Asia are being coy about their relationship.

‘Joint aerial patrols by strategic bombers used to be rare, but as they become more frequent in the future, the world will get used to it.’

Tokyo is casting the veil off its return to militarism.

Decrying racial injustice in America has become a prominent part of some U.S. companies’ public image. But when it comes to China committing ‘the largest incarceration of an ethnoreligious minority since the Holocaust,’ they seem to think profits are more important.

A growing number of military installations are making Russia more capable and antagonistic in this increasingly important region.

The Russian military is now more capable and lethal than at any time since the end of the Cold War—and Europe is taking note.

‘[I]t is clear from imagery that China is engaged in a secretive crash buildup.’

The black horseman is not finished riding.

‘Two presidents have emerged as clear winners of the U.S. election. Unfortunately, they’re sitting in Beijing and Moscow.’

Xi Jinping and 370 of China’s other most powerful leaders have laid out a roadmap for the next five years and beyond.

For a nation with such a disturbing history of military aggression to be amassing so much nuclear material should sound alarms the world over.

‘The time will show how it will develop.’

Nearby nations will be forced to ‘reexamine their political will to resist Beijing’s coercion and weigh the benefits of a rapprochement instead.’

‘Just because Korea chose the U.S. 70 years ago does not mean it has to choose the U.S. for the next 70 years, too.’

Abe has now left the prime minister’s office, but that does not mean his goals have.

A new agreement ‘puts Laos fast on the track of becoming a pseudo-province of China.’

China has ‘marshalled the resources, technology and political will over the past two decades to strengthen and modernize’ its military ‘in nearly every respect.’

The drills may show that the days of Taiwanese independence are numbered.

‘It’s a remarkable story about a remarkable feat of humanity.’

‘Whether or not he gave the order personally, the blame lies with him.’

Europe lately can’t criticize America loudly enough. But when it comes to another nation’s lies, theft and shocking human rights abuses, Europe is relatively silent.

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