Jeremiah Jacques

‘Things may actually be different this time.’

In the post-covid era, Beijing’s power over the region could greatly expand, helping propel it along the fast track toward superpower status.

Whether he genuinely fears war or is only appeasing China, the president’s remarks are consistent with an aim that has been evident throughout his presidency: to move the Philippines away from Washington and toward Beijing.

How vulnerable is the United States?

How will the people of Europe respond to Vladimir Putin’s increasingly militaristic and dictatorial direction?

Though Moscow’s current overtures are unlikely to build a Russia-Japan partnership, evidence shows that such a union is on the horizon.

The strongman could essentially rule Russia as long as he lives. But his declining popularity may herald a darker chapter in his reign.

With the stroke of a pen, the bastion of prosperity and freedom has been turned into just another oppressed and fearful Chinese city.

What takes its place may represent a large step in Tokyo’s return to open militarism.

Coronavirus or not, the Russian ruler pressed ahead with the parades and the referendum.

China long thought time was on its side with Taiwan, but a number of factors are now challenging that view.

Recent bloodshed has stained Sino-Indian relations—but for how long?

Russia’s leadership understands that using nuclear weapons in a world of mutually assured destruction would be irrational. But people are not always rational.

The Chinese Communist Party mercilessly slaughtered thousands of its own citizens 31 years ago.

‘Everything has been taken under control of the ccp.’

The Russian Navy’s famous Baltic Fleet will soon be capable of greater destruction. How will European nations respond?

The Chinese Communist Party’s self-serving behavior throughout the coronavirus crisis provides a preview of the kind of rule that will soon dominate the world.

The breakup between the world’s two largest economies will shake the world.

‘The stable operation of China-Europe cargo trains has remained a reliable transportation channel connecting China, Europe and countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative.’

Russia’s leader is resetting the clock on his term limits, clearing the way for him to rule until 2036.

Spreading the virus to America wasn’t enough for China.

Beijing’s lifeline to Sri Lankans throughout the coronavirus pandemic helps it strengthen its hold on another vital ‘sea gate.’

‘The pace and manner by which the Chinese government is modernizing its stockpile is worrying, destabilizing.’

‘Like making a pyromaniac into the town fire chief.’

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