Jeremiah Jacques

‘Like making a pyromaniac into the town fire chief.’

The dragon and the elephant continue to draw closer.

Italians are coming to view China less as the originator of covid-19 and more as a valuable partner during their hour of need.

Predictions of future world events always fail—or do they?

The Chinese Communist Party’s corruption and negligence throughout the crisis offers a preview of the kind of rule that will soon go global.

Efforts to definitively contain covid-19 remain elusive.

Russia’s leader will reset the clock on his term limits, clearing the way for him to rule until 2036.

A new set of policies will make Russia more mobile, capable and powerful in the increasingly important region.

The cosmos displays a breathtaking message—now with unprecedented clarity. Do you see what it is showing us?

The expanding pandemic could help shift the global power balance in line with Bible prophecy.

How difficult would it be for one of the nation’s ruthless terrorist groups to gain control over its nuclear arms?

The expanding pandemic is the worst crisis the Chinese Communist Party has faced since 1989. It could work toward shifting the global power balance in a way that the Trumpet has been expecting.

What happens when one man attains absolute power over hundreds of millions?

Scripture shows that the pale horseman is not finished riding.

The global situation is ‘profoundly unstable.’

The development takes on great significance when viewed through the lens of Bible prophecy.

Putin is deliberately weakening presidential powers—just in time for him to step into another more influential office.

China is gaining more power over one of the world’s most important maritime choke points.

‘Implications of a takeover would be grave.’

‘China’s maritime transformation’ is one of this century’s ‘most significant events.’

The development ‘heralds a new era in international trade.’

This mammoth energy deal is only the latest sign of rapidly deepening Russia-China ties that are reorienting 21st-century geopolitics.

Will this enable Vladimir Putin to stay in power after his presidential term ends?

China is eager to take America’s place.

The People’s Liberation Army has long been viewed as a paper tiger; those days are over.

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