Jeremiah Jacques

Europe never could have united its East and West if someone hadn’t opened the Iron Curtain first.

Is this the black eye for creationism that many say it is?

It’s amazing how far a dollar can go when you are Vladimir Putin.

In an interview with, Lithuania’s ambassador to the U.S. says, “We have to draw the line before the Russians move tanks on top of it.”

When the only other option is torture, a voter’s choice is simple.

Voices from Hollywood to the White House are normalizing drug use—even as it destroys more lives than ever.

Is he preparing Russia to be a nation of soldiers?

Is this the black eye for creationism that many say it is?

A glimpse inside the oceans can help us answer the question about whether or not marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol.

Slavery isn’t just a scourge of the past. It is in your country, your city, even your neighborhood. But a solution is coming soon that will break the shackles that bind them all.

America is no longer the only power potentially capable of piercing missile defense shields with nuclear-armed rockets.

Another indication of the decline of America’s economic and geopolitical influence

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