Jeremiah Jacques

More evidence proving that Herbert W. Armstrong was right!

Iran scoffs at Europe, saying it lacks the unity to punish Tehran’s defiance. But that very scoffing will hasten Europe’s transformation into a unified juggernaut.

Many Westerners say Putin’s wings were clipped by Sunday’s parliamentary elections and the subsequent protests. But what are the true implications?

For now, concerns about the congealing Russian-German axis are limited to the Eastern European nations that remember being dominated by these powers, but the threat will soon be obvious to the whole world.

As the revolutionary smoke clears, Westerners are forced to abandon their illusions, and acknowledge the dark reality of post-Mubarak Egypt.

Islamist extremists in London are growing steadily more aggressive.

The fraying ties provide another indication of the end of the Anglo-American era and the rapid development of a new world order.

As America pulls away, China fills the void. The whole continent is on notice.

Islam, threatening to become the dominant religion in France, is pushing against the country. Europe is beginning to respond.

The Middle East is transformed; Israel’s strategic pillars are crumbling.

Despite receiving a string of concessions from Washington, the Kremlin is pushing the U.S. aside in order to cultivate its relationship with China.

The launch of China’s first aircraft carrier was a milestone in Beijing’s quest to become a top-tier naval power capable of challenging U.S. military supremacy in Asian waters.

The intensifying menace reveals a lot about the U.S. and China.

The U.S. military acknowledges China “has arrived as a world power.” Its aggression in the South China Sea indicates that its arrival bodes poorly for the Asian status quo.

The mightiest military alliance in history faces “collective military irrelevance,” says Robert Gates. What will be the results of NATO’s deterioration?

The Spear deepened the wound already afflicting U.S.-Pakistani relations.

MTV’s Skins and our corrosive youth culture

How long will Assad’s grip on power last?

Cairo’s steps toward reconciliation with Hamas, Iran and Hezbollah confirm that a radical shift is under way in Egyptian politics.

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