Jeremiah Jacques

Americans worry about Pakistan and Afghanistan becoming failed states, and those nations are thousands of miles from the U.S. What about America’s neighbor to the south?

The revitalization of Tunisia’s and Egypt’s Islamist political parties provides an indication of what’s ahead.

Sparks from Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution could soon ignite Libya’s powder keg of resentment.

Beijing is not satisfied with the status quo and is maneuvering to expand its reach, especially in Asia.

The Middle Kingdom’s historic rise continues.

China is outmaneuvering the U.S. and UK on the geopolitical chessboard. Here are a few of its recent moves.

Asian nations’ military buildups are fueled by a desire to protect themselves from other Asian states, but the intracontinental tensions will soon be trumped by a collective Asian fear of a common outside enemy.

Following Poland’s recent example, Bulgaria has teamed up with Russia in circumventing EU legislation.

Bickering among Asian nations is helping to resurrect nationalism in Japan’s mainstream.

Anti-Semitism is on the rise across Europe once again.

The Middle Kingdom’s view of itself and the outside world

As the smoke clears and the mirrors begin to crack, Westerners are forced to acknowledge the menacing reality of China’s rise.

Is U.S. naval power in the South China Sea the unstoppable force it once was?

Lessons from the monarch butterfly

Beijing’s decision to unpeg the yuan currency from the dollar could push Washington from the frying pan of trade imbalance into the fire of higher interest rates.

Will beleaguered Bishkek agree to shut down America’s last Central Asian military base, in exchange for Moscow’s help?

China’s charm offensive toward Manila undermines Washington’s position as the Philippines’ foremost security and economic partner.

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