Jeremiah Jacques

And the U.S.-India partnership grows weaker.

Efforts by the United Nations and other international organizations to reduce the nuclear threat have failed.

Putin is hammering the former Soviet nations back into Russian control.

It’s nothing new for an authoritarian nation to weaponize its citizens against each other. But technology could make the strategy chillingly effective.

If attacks on Ukraine and Taiwan were coordinated, how effectively could the United States military respond?

Despite China’s promises under the Paris Agreement to transition away from coal, it started more coal plants in 2020 than the rest of the planet retired. And the nation isn’t slowing down.

But he is beginning to look more like Ivan the Terrible.

Russia has reemerged in Latin America and is determined to increase influence over unstable, anti-U.S. nations run by Communist or socialist governments. The proximity of these nations to the U.S. mainland should sound alarm bells in Washington.

The pollution is only the latest issue stemming from the presence of American troops in Okinawa.

What one component of a giraffe’s neck tells you about evolution—and about evolutionary science

‘[A] clear provocative action of militarizing the area’

‘The world now risks never finding an answer to the virus’s origins.’

‘Maybe he was always brutal, but now he has decided to be brutal freely, openly, without restrictions.’

The frigid Arctic has been relatively free of geopolitical struggles. But that is changing.

The Kremlin draws another former Soviet state back into tighter orbit.

A landmark China-EU investment agreement deals a blow to human rights and trans-Atlantic ties.

The prime minister-in-exile of East Turkistan exposes the evils that China wants to implement globally.

‘This brings a watershed moment for EU-China trade ties.’

New satellite images show the People’s Liberation Army vacating a Himalayan flash point, and India is following suit.

‘[F]uture historians might choose Jan. 16, 2021, as the fatal moment for the American empire.’

More proof that the world is returning to an age of strongmen

Giving the Coast Guard a military mandate is ‘a sign that a plausible war can occur’ in the South China Sea.

Russians are angered by worsening government authoritarianism, falling living standards, and extreme inequality.

The label is well deserved.

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