Anthony Chibarirwe

‘I cannot deny it—facts are facts and they must be said.’

The entirety of California is in severe drought or worse—and 27,000 acres are literally on fire.

The international community is stepping up efforts to confront radical Islam in Nigeria.

Former NASA astronauts have warned we are playing ’cosmic roulette’ with asteroids. Are we really that hopeless?

How the Chad-CAR crisis tells on our volatile religious world

Could following what’s in the Bible have prevented this disease outbreak?

‘It is not viable to continue building cars in Australia.’

A short lesson from ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán’s arrest

Don’t think the drought won’t affect you.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

It’s more than just another African problem.

The latest employment statistics have some people worried—for good reason.

Does this portend an imminent loss of Britain’s Falkland Islands?

In other words, are women and men equal?

Weather disasters in 2013 weren’t as bad as 2012, but they still indicate a bad trend.

This is the mindset that Britain is (or should be) up against.

The Senate Democrats’ newly acquired ‘nuclear’ arsenal is ominous.

Ethiopia says more terrorist attacks may be imminent.

It’s not surprising that Venezuela’s Henrique Capriles would look to the Vatican for help.

The glossy advertisements broadcast by al Shabaab are not the only reason you should take note of this terrorist outfit.

The efficiency and integrity of the leadership in Africa has been seriously questioned.

With the war in Afghanistan coming to an end, the cartels are welcoming the troops home with open arms.

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