Gareth Fraser

Planned and executed by the EU and Vatican

How France will once again betray Britain and America

As the aftershocks of the Asian financial crisis ripple on, Australia has turned to Europe for help. What’s happening to this outback haven in the Pacific?

World events are rapidly changing. Where are they leading? Will they affect you? Watch The Key of David.

Australia’s army looks bad. And it couldn’t be at a worse time.

At the end of World War II, Europe lay in rubble. One man warned for over 50 years that Germany would again rise to lead a united Europe, and that Britain would not be a part of that European Union. Thirteen years after his death, it appears Herbert W. Armstrong will be proven right.

June 2, Nelson Mandela stepped down from power in South Africa, after five years of failing to deliver on his promises to this post-apartheid nation. What happens if the new president, Thabo Mbeki, can’t succeed where Mandela failed? Is South Africa ready to explode?

Yesterday’s doves fly off to war

A shifting alliance: Searching for a new identity since the end of the Cold War, NATO hopes to have found one.

The Mediterranean powder keg is attracting much attention. What is really happening in Cyprus?