Callum Wood

Washington celebrates. Damascus shrugs.

Jews are experiencing a drastic rise in anti-Semitism in the Land Down Under.

Why you need to pay attention to a disease in West Africa.

The discrepancy between what Australians sing about their country and what is actually happening

Where is the chaos in Gaza headed?

How a ragtag terrorist cell came to defeat a superpower

What is Iran really stalling for?

An impending water shortage threatens millions in the Middle East.

Why we ought to wake up to the present danger of disease outbreaks

Another U.S. department prepares to beef up its weapon capabilities.

Strange action for a nation that supposedly isn’t interested in nuclear weapons

Russia targets Ukraine-related articles in its propaganda war.

Hamas has been quick to refute Abbas’s claims that the Palestinian unity government will bring peace.

Why you won’t drive to the polling booth in Iraq

Threats from the U.S. expose the deteriorating relationship between Washington and Jerusalem.

Another chemical weapons attack exposes the problem the world faces when dealing with the Syrian civil war.

The U.S. is ignoring the Joint Plan in order to keep Iran happy.

America is at a fork in the road. Which path will it choose?

Analyzing the one-sided peace process

Is the U.S. about to give up its efforts in the Arab/Israeli peace process?

What the month of March tells us about Afghanistan’s future

What the pope’s trip to the Middle East says about Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox reconciliation

What would become of this Earth if one nuclear battle took place?

Can Israel persuade Iran to change its ways?

Turkey’s actions are severing ties to Iran.

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