Callum Wood

What does the Middle East have to say about Israel?

When two powers collide, who can know the outcome?

What will happen to Afghanistan when the U.S. is gone?

Why did China’s new president choose Russia for his first foreign visit?

As problems with Iran intensify, Washington is hoping to arm its allies and thereby solve the problem.

As the United States disengages from Iraq, Iran continues to connect.

China is looking to finance ailing American infrastructure as the U.S. runs out of cash.

Can the U.S. convince Europe to soften its austerity measures?

How the growing influence of Iran is bringing about the Psalm 83 alliance.

Stockton is now the largest city in the U.S. to file for bankruptcy.

China successfully gains access to detailed U.S. military intelligence.

Days after being elected, Chinese President Xi Jinping travels to Africa.

Chicago plans massive cutbacks in the number of schools for 2014.

For the first time in a millennium, a leader of the Orthodox Church will attend the installment of a pope.

Iran and Pakistan strengthen ties with a natural gas pipeline.

Just who is the Syrian opposition?

Britain faces the ‘double squeeze’ under EU regulations.

For Bahrain, the Arab Spring continues to simmer.

Thirty-four years have passed since the Iranian revolution. Where is Iran today?

Iran’s religious leader swatted down the olive branch put forward by the United States.

Israel readies for the threat of chemical weapons.

The $50 billion President Obama planned on saving is wiped out with one ‘act of God.’

As the U.S. steps up its involvement in the Pacific, so does China.

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