Abraham Blondeau

Is the tide turning in Canada?

Ironfisted medical tyranny, with a collapsing fake narrative

Another example of how the cure is worse than the disease

The most successful and dangerous revolution in Canadian history

Media independence is a thing of the past.

A public health crisis in the making

Lessons from victory in a winter of misery and death

Corrupt leaders remove a symbol of anti-corruption.

An important question worth considering

The foolish, the perverse, and the downright dangerous

The agenda to destroy your faith

Policies are being shaped by will worship.

Compromise leads to communism.

The medical bureaucracy is trampling Canadian freedoms.

When a military advantage becomes a deadly weakness

Historic overview of one of America’s most divisive issues

Two December 7 anniversaries that are a warning to America

A look into 90 days of Taliban rule

Will more commonwealth nations reject the British monarchy?

Vaccines are created with the help of infanticide.

The beginning of the next manufactured crisis

Divorce laws deliberately undermine fathers.

What happens when the military leadership betrays America?

Even if you don’t, your children might be.

Canadians’ lives are now dominated by the willpower of the powerful.

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