Key of David

God reveals that He will shake the nations at a specific time immediately before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Find out when this shaking begins.

The Bible is called the book nobody knows, but you can unlock the seven fundamental mysteries of the world’s most important book.

America has suffered through a civil war once already. Today, it is racing toward a second civil war. There is only one way to prevent this deadly tragedy.

America is on fire. What is the real source of the violence and riots on America’s streets, and how can we solve this deadly crisis?

Satan the devil is real! You need to equip yourself with powerful knowledge about this brutal spiritual monster, your arch enemy.

What is the value of true education? God describes it as riches and a crown of glory! Learn how to receive true education—and how it contrasts with the darkness of modern education.

Under President Donald Trump, the United States is holding China accountable more than ever before. How will this budding rivalry end?

King Solomon possessed more riches and enjoyed more pleasures than any human in history—yet he hated life. Here is how you can love life while having much less.

Modern intellectuals have removed God from their studies. Why is this such a dangerous mistake?