May 10, 2021
20 minutes
The Herbert W. Armstrong College commencement was yesterday. Our graduating seniors look back on the lessons learned from attending God’s college.
April 19, 2021
27 minutes
Anciently, Zerubbabel was a great builder for God. Learn his story, how an end-time type of Zerubbabel built God’s Work, and how the Philadelphia Church of God follows his blueprint to this day.
April 5, 2021
28 minutes
God and Christ love to work. Usually, humans don’t. What’s the secret to loving work like God does?
March 29, 2021
29 minutes
Robbers Cave State Park in southeastern Oklahoma is the site of much momentous Philadelphia Church of God history. Each year, Herbert W. Armstrong College students and faculty enjoy a Robbers Cave break before the spring holy days—even when the break doesn’t take place at Robbers Cave. Learn what this year’s unique Robbers Cave break, held on campus instead, was like.
March 22, 2021
28 minutes
Jesus Christ tested His disciples’ love with this simple command. Learn how loving the world is vital in doing God’s Work.
March 8, 2021
29 minutes
A place on Earth today is directly connected to all of God’s revelation over the past century.
February 22, 2021
23 minutes
The Herbert W. Armstrong College Speech Banquet took place on February 14. Hear from the planners of the event.
February 8, 2021
28 minutes
Herbert W. Armstrong had lots of experience with rebels.
February 1, 2021
25 minutes
The purpose of Herbert W. Armstrong College is to support God’s Work. Learn from student body president Parker Campbell and secretary Emma Moore about the various leadership opportunities awarded to the students at God’s college, and how their contributions within the college affect God’s Work as a whole.
January 25, 2021
28 minutes
Doing God’s Work means doing a lot of waiting. Are you able to wait until God’s prophecies come true?