Behind the Work

Behind the Work

God’s Work today is backed by a spiritual family of approximately 5,000 Philadelphia Church of God members and many more thousands of co-workers. The primary focus of a true Christian’s life is to contribute to the Work in any way possible, in the process preparing to teach the entire world in the near future. Tune in each Monday at 12 p.m. Central time for a behind-the-scenes look at the vibrant and exciting Work of the living God through interviews, feature stories, updates and statistical rundowns. With the help of the Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong, you will also learn how the Work of God today relates to the spectacular, miraculous, five-decade work of the end-time Elijah.

Do chaotic world events discourage you? Discouragement hurts God’s Work. Here’s a solution.

Someone is getting married!

Celtic Throne was performed five more times recently in South Dakota and Edmond. Take a listen behind the scenes at the involvement of Herbert W. Armstrong College students.

Enjoy the first segment of a new monthly series on Behind the Work: “Behind Armstrong College.”

The late educator and theologian Herbert W. Armstrong learned the hard way to stay focused on his main goal.

This Labor Day, America solutes her laborers. But hard-working Americans aren’t the true source of America’s wealth.

Jesus Christ passionately participated in God’s Work, even as a child. Do you?

You can discern the spirit of a man or a work based on the fruits produced—or the lack thereof. Anyone or anything guided by God will yield real results.

This is the Imperial Academy theme for the 2020 academic year. Listen to highlights from the Orientation lectures by Herbert W. Armstrong College chancellor Gerald Flurry, Armstrong president Stephen Flurry, and IA principal Wayne Turgeon. Understand the importance of vision in your life and in God’s Work.

Herbert W. Armstrong College chancellor Gerald Flurry gave an orientation lecture this morning about true leadership. God’s college and God’s Church are developing true leaders today. An often-misunderstood aspect of godly leadership is meekness.