Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature inspires you to not only read printed books, but to read only the best books. Besides books, host Dennis Leap will lead discussions on other current literature such as essays and important articles.

Host Dennis Leap, Deryle Hope and Deborah Leap discuss Utopian culture: travel, the importance of seeking pleasure, marriage and divorce, discipline for pre-marital sex and euthanasia.

Host Dennis Leap, Deryle Hope and Deborah Leap discuss the environment, cities, and occupations on the island nation of Utopia.

Host Dennis Leap, Deborah Leap and Deryle Hope discuss Raphael Hythloday’s reasons for not wanting to serve a king—from book one of Thomas More’s Utopia.

Host Dennis Leap, Deborah Leap and Deryle Hope discuss an overview of book one of Thomas More’s Utopia.

Host Dennis Leap defines and discusses the genres of utopian and dystopian literature.

Host Dennis Leap discusses the story of Job taken from the Old Testament. This book of the Bible answers the question why God permits human suffering. This book contains some of the most wonderful poetry in Western literature.

Host Dennis Leap discusses how the Bible is organized. It is not like any other book. You cannot understand it by reading it from front to back. The Bible is a coded book. Much like a jigsaw puzzle, all of its various pieces must be put together to fully understand it.

Host Dennis Leap discusses how the King James Bible influenced Western society and the world.

Host Dennis Leap concludes the history leading to the printing of the King James Bible and discusses the method the King established for its translation.

Host Dennis Leap discusses the bloody history behind the printing of the King James Bible from 1350 to 1604 AD.