Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature inspires you to not only read printed books, but to read only the best books. Besides books, host Dennis Leap will lead discussions on other current literature such as essays and important articles.

Host Dennis Leap discusses the earliest history behind the printing of the King James Bible from the first to the fourteenth centuries.

Host Dennis Leap discusses the number 3 book on the Western Literary Cannon—The Holy Bible. It is continually the world’s number 1 best seller. Ironically few people read it.

Host Dennis Leap, Deryle Hope, George Haddad and John Wood discuss the characters Pierre Arronax, Consiel, and Ned Land and their importance in the book.

Host Dennis Leap, Deryle Hope, George Haddad and John Wood discuss the mysterious aspects of the book and the characters Captain Nemo and Pierre Arronax.

Host Dennis Leap, Deryle Hope, Deborah Leap and guest, Sarah Evans, discuss the characters and human interest aspects to Jules Verne’s classic.

Host Dennis Leap, Deryle Hope, Deborah Leap and guest, Sarah Evans, discuss the importance, the science and the mysterious side to Jules Verne’s classic.

Host Dennis Leap discusses Jules Verne’s bio. He is considered the “father” of the science fiction adventure genre. Also discussed is the scientific importance of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Host Dennis Leap, Deryle Hope, Jack Wood and George Haddad discuss Great Expectations main male characters: Pip, Mr. Joe, John Wemmick and Herbert Pocket.

Host Dennis Leap, Deryle Hope, Jack Wood and George Haddad discuss the overview of Great Expectations: manual for growing into manhood, statement on ingratitude, grappling with the positives and negatives of life, the pitfalls of emotion.

Host Dennis Leap, Deryle Hope, Deborah Leap and guest Sarah Evans discuss Great Expectations’s main female characters: Mrs. Joe, Biddy, Estella, Miss Havisham and Mrs. Belinda Pocket.