Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature inspires you to not only read printed books, but to read only the best books. Besides books, host Dennis Leap will lead discussions on other current literature such as essays and important articles.

Host Dennis Leap, Deborah Leap and Deryle Hope discuss “Horned Hannes,” “the cold lady” and the motif of death in A Whole Life.

Host Dennis Leap, Deborah Leap and Deryle Hope discuss the cultural significance of A Whole Life and the character Marie.

Host Dennis Leap announces the start of Just the Best Literature’s “Around the World in Books” series by introducing the novella A Whole Life by Robert Seethaler.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Abraham Blondeau discuss the third attack at the CIA Annex in Benghazi. Leap gives his final thoughts on the tragedy.

Host Dennis Leap and Imperial Academy history instructor Abraham Blondeau discuss the battle of Benghazi.

Host Dennis Leap and Imperial Academy history instructor Abraham Blondeau discuss the battle of Benghazi.

Host Dennis Leap continues his discussion of the cast of characters and gives a road map to understand how the chapters are organized.

Host Dennis Leap discusses an overview of the book, the cast of characters.

Host Dennis Leap discusses an overview of the Mitchell Zuckoff’s important book about the Benghazi tragedy.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap discuss important scenes from Richard III.