The Key of David

The Key of David

Presenter Gerald Flurry discusses world events in the light of end-time Bible prophecy. This is the audio format for his Key of David television program. The Key of David emulates the tradition and format, as well as the depth, of the late Herbert W. Armstrong’s telecast, The World Tomorrow, one of the most popular religious programs of its time.

You can watch videos of all The Key of David programs on its website or at The Key of David's YouTube channel.

Perhaps no biblical subject attracts more speculation than Armageddon. Yet, the word “Armageddon” is in the Bible only once. What does it mean? How will it affect your life in the near future?

The world is without hope. The universe sits empty and in decay. Yet God says He will soon bring liberty and peace to His entire creation!

A life full of wonder is available to you. There is only one place where you can find it. Discover how to unlock a life of spectacular vision and miraculous wonder.

Jesus Christ was the greatest prophet of all time. While on Earth, He revealed six signs of His Second Coming. To be protected in the dangerous days ahead, you need to be able to discern these signs!

History is a neglected and scorned subject in schools today. This is a deadly mistake. God uses both secular and biblical history to steer the course of individuals and nations.

Learn about the developing trade alliance that will impact your life!

Just hours before His crucifixion, Jesus Christ offered up the most inspiring prayer in the Bible. In times of severe personal trial, you need to know what your Savior’s selflessness means for you.

During His time on Earth, Jesus Christ established the one true Church. But just over 100 years later, the Church had vanished. What happened to God’s Church during the ‘lost century’?

The French president has publicly and humiliatingly rebuked America. This stunning turn of events aligns with history and Bible prophecy.