The Key of David

The Key of David

Presenter Gerald Flurry discusses world events in the light of end-time Bible prophecy. This is the audio format for his Key of David television program. The Key of David emulates the tradition and format, as well as the depth, of the late Herbert W. Armstrong’s telecast, The World Tomorrow, one of the most popular religious programs of its time.

You can watch videos of all The Key of David programs on its website or at The Key of David's YouTube channel.

There is a cause—and a hope-filled solution—to the mass shooting epidemic in America.

America has pushed the Islamic State out of Iraq, but another nation will seize power and trigger a third world war.

What is salvation? Is it a spectacular moment, or is it a lifelong process? What are the requirements for obtaining it?

As hurricanes and fires wreck and ravage America, the question must be asked: Is God answering our prayers?

In America and Britain today, history is becoming a forgotten subject. Our leaders display contempt for history and our professors ignore it completely. This is a grave error with devastating consequences.

One of America’s foremost leaders has twice misquoted a vital scripture in recent months. This scripture provides the solution to America’s horrifying problems.

God revealed the truth about the little book discussed in Revelation thousands of years ago to the Apostle John. But God also told John not to write it down so this little book has been kept a secret until this end time.

The deadly riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, prove that America is deeply divided. A dark spiritual force is behind America’s sudden decline, but God will intervene to save the U.S. from annihilation.

The question of origins is a competition between two fundamental beliefs: creation and evolution. Which is correct?

This world is dangerous like never before, but there is hope. The pages of your Bible contain the solutions to all of mankind’s problems.