Trumpet Bookshelf

Trumpet Bookshelf

A Christian’s bookshelf is filled with a number of vital titles—first and foremost the Bible. By exploring the Bible with the help of Philadelphia Church of God literature (available for free at, you will find answers to life’s most important questions and unlock the vision of your marvelous future.

It is undeniable that America is on the verge of collapse, and that God is only temporarily delaying our national punishment. In all the bad news, where can you find hope?

The Democrat plot to steal the 2020 presidential election is part of a lawless trend that goes back decades. You will be stunned by the parallels between this election and the one in 2000.

Learn how Democrats’ attempts to steal the U.S. presidential election align with Bible prophecy.

Is this statement offensive to you? Listen to replace that offense with inspiration.

God wants you to do it. Here’s how.

The annual holy day of Atonement is on September 28 this year.

The Feast of Trumpets is on September 19.

Recent athlete protests remind us of a valuable lesson.

The world is terrified. Are you? Here’s how to drive out fear.

So we’re told. God isn’t silent on the subject either.