Trumpet Bookshelf

Trumpet Bookshelf

A Christian’s bookshelf is filled with a number of vital titles—first and foremost the Bible. By exploring the Bible with the help of Philadelphia Church of God literature (available for free at, you will find answers to life’s most important questions and unlock the vision of your marvelous future.

One of the deadliest issues facing America—and the world—is racial division. This is a problem as old as mankind—and the solution has been available for just as long. You will be shocked to learn how God plans to solve racial division.

If it’s always God’s will to heal, then why do true Christians die? Discover the most inspiring aspect of God’s healing promise. Learn what God really thinks about the modern medical profession. Hint: It’s not as condemning as you may have heard.

What is faith? The definition of powerful, dynamic, active, living faith is far different than you might suppose. Learn how living faith in God’s healing promise relates to His law, salvation, the Holy Spirit, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ—and how this type of faith will change the way you live your everyday life.

Is it always God’s will to heal? When you understand the penalty that was paid for broken health laws, you will know the answer to this question.

Jesus Christ performed powerful healing miracles during His time on Earth. Learn the conditions for healing, to whom God’s healing promise applies, and how it will revolutionize your life.

The one true God is scorned and ridiculed by most today. Yet most put their total trust in doctors—mortal humans whom God created! Learn the trustworthy alternative to the false god of modern medicine.

The life of a true Christian is a constant, bloody spiritual war—a war that will yield the most wonderful reward.

The main justification for coronavirus shutdowns worldwide seems to be concern for the elderly. But human governments are confronting the crisis all wrong. Learn about God’s way of caring for our elders.

It was a life-and-death battle to decide your future. This battle sums up the distinct and separate goals of both the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread.

Is God calling you to His service before the return of Jesus Christ? Perhaps you have been listening to God’s message for many years—but does this mean you have been called already? Learn what must be done to respond to God’s call.