Trumpet Bookshelf

Trumpet Bookshelf

A Christian’s bookshelf is filled with a number of vital titles—first and foremost the Bible. By exploring the Bible with the help of Philadelphia Church of God literature (available for free at, you will find answers to life’s most important questions and unlock the vision of your marvelous future.

Child Rearing With Vision is a life-changing new book available for free at Listen as host Grant Turgeon interviews Just the Best Literature host Dennis Leap, who contributed mightily to the book.

Your children will leave home one day. Parents are responsible for preparing children for that eventuality. The ultimate goal: preparing them to raise strong families like your own! Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers Chapters 7 and 8 of Child Rearing With Vision, a free book available at Learn how to fill your children’s lives with wonderful experiences that will cause them to live and love God’s way forever.

Parents hold the highest physical leadership office on Earth! Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers chapters 5-6 of the new Child Rearing With Vision book. Learn about the top priority for parents raising 6-12-year-olds. Understand how to combat the manifold dangers and traps that Satan places in the paths of our teenagers. The more we grasp the God Family vision and impart it to our children, the better our results will be.

Proper child rearing requires spiritual vision and active effort. Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers chapters 3-4 of the new book Child Rearing With Vision, available at Learn how parents are master potters, directly responsible for sculpting godly, obedient children. Also, as a changeup, listen in for some health tips that have your host feeling extra energetic today!

The literature library at now offers a new item! Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers the first two chapters of Child Rearing With Vision. Learn about the spiritual vision needed to raise children who follow God all their lives. Understand the importance of the God-ordained roles of father and mother.

Society’s views on traditional marriage have shifted radically in the past several decades. Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers the Philadelphia Church of God booklet Redefining Family, showing how traditional marriage is far more than a tradition—and something worth fighting for. Learn where marriage comes from and how this foundational institution holds great significance even beyond this physical life. Request a copy of the booklet at

Critics of the late educator and theologian Herbert W. Armstrong have scorned him most for his belief that God is a Family. But what does your Bible say about the subject? Follow along as host Grant Turgeon discusses the Philadelphia Church of God booklet God Is a Family. Disprove the satanic doctrine of the Trinity. Learn how this understanding unlocks your incredible, eternal potential. Request a copy of the booklet at

The traditional family is the foundation of any strong nation, yet this core institution is under attack today. Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers the late theologian and educator Herbert W. Armstrong’s booklet Why Marriage—Soon Obsolete? Prove for yourself why only humans get married—and why marriage should be preserved, not destroyed. Understand the powerful spiritual parallels of physical marriage. Request a copy of the booklet at

The radical left is fighting an all-out war against fatherhood today, but why? Follow along as host Grant Turgeon reviews Philadelphia Church of God Pastor General Gerald Flurry’s booklet Conspiracy Against Fatherhood. Learn how evolution is the primary battering ram deployed against the institution of fatherhood. Discover the shocking reason why Satan hates the traditional family structure so much. Go to for your free copy of this clarifying booklet

The number one problem in the lives of most people is money. Whether or not enough money is earned, many people still struggle due to materialism or unwise decisions. Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers the Philadelphia Church of God booklet Solve Your Money Troubles! From working hard to saving to escaping debt to investing to planning an estate, get God’s perspective on money. Find a copy of the booklet at