Trumpet Bookshelf

Trumpet Bookshelf

A Christian’s bookshelf is filled with a number of vital titles—first and foremost the Bible. By exploring the Bible with the help of Philadelphia Church of God literature (available for free at, you will find answers to life’s most important questions and unlock the vision of your marvelous future.

It has become popular to believe that abortion—in at least some scenarios—is an acceptable alternative to personal responsibility. Yet, education, science, government, and religion have been unable to reach a consensus regarding this controversial matter. Learn where to find the only abortion opinion that matters. Understand the staggering parallels between physical and spiritual life.

Philadelphia Church of God first lady Barbara Flurry died 15 years ago. Hear some personal stories about her from her grandson, Trumpet Bookshelf host Grant Turgeon. Understand how her painful death is actually a symbol of endless hope.

In this end time, God’s own Church failed Him in a massive way. Discover how to avoid making the same mistake as these rebels—a mistake that’s older than mankind and incredibly commonplace.

The world is besieged by horrifying problems. But which one is the very worst? How can this problem be fixed? You need to know! Understanding this subject will save your life.

The late Worldwide Church of God founder Herbert W. Armstrong really loved the Sabbath. He considered it a delight, not a burden. But this was true only because he thoroughly proved that God wants all people to properly observe the Sabbath day, even today. Learn how important it is for you to keep this day holy. Discover how doing so will revolutionize your life. If you want to experience lasting peace, contentment, security, and joy, deeply honor God each Sabbath.

Your Bible reveals one major sign that Christ’s Second Coming is very near. This event—the work of one man—has already occurred. Learn about the pillar doctrines this man restored to God’s one true Church. Understand what God expects you to do with this vital truth right now, 33 years after the death of the end-time Elijah.

The whole world is confused by the subject of human nature. Many believe that God created sinful beings like the devil, demons, and humans. The reality is far more stunning, sinister, and even hope-filled. Learn about the deadly pulls of human nature, where it comes from, and how you can fight against it and prevail.

The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Colossians almost 2,000 years ago, yet his warning message directly parallels the end time in many ways. Learn a specific strategy for holding fast to God’s truth. Understand why God’s rebellious Church and the entire world have descended into insanity, and how you can stand strong against Satan’s attacks.

Godly music has existed forever and is a core subject in your well-rounded, lifelong education. Listen as host Grant Turgeon interviews Philadelphia Church of God music director Ryan Malone, author of the new booklet How God Values Music. Understand the past, present and future of music, and how music is essential to your everyday life.

Music is more than a hobby; it’s a core part of a well-rounded, lifelong education. Listen as host Grant Turgeon covers the introduction and chapter 6 of the new Philadelphia Church of God booklet How God Values Music. Shatter your misconceptions about music. Take on the only musical perspective that really matters: God’s. Look out for an interview with the author, PCG music director Ryan Malone, next week.