December 13, 2019
27 minutes
God’s Church was saved from destruction by a manuscript of truth: Malachi’s Message To God’s Church Today. Here’s proof of the doctrines restored to the Church—the same doctrines that were discarded by the rebellious successors of Herbert W. Armstrong.
December 6, 2019
26 minutes
Thirty years ago tomorrow, on Dec. 7, 1989, Philadelphia Church of God founder Gerald Flurry was fired from his position as a Worldwide Church of God minister serving in Oklahoma. Since then, God’s Work has grown and reached miraculous milestones. The PCG today is proof that even the gates of hell cannot prevail against God’s one true Church.
November 22, 2019
26 minutes
Just 21 verses long, the biblical book of Obadiah blasts a stern, corrective message to God’s rebellious Church and to the nation of Turkey. Learn how this message, though sobering and sad, concludes with the best news imaginable.
November 15, 2019
24 minutes
God’s ministry exercises judgment, mercy, faith, and love to shepherd the brethren. Listen as host Grant Turgeon discusses God’s perfect law as administered by God’s loving government to save God’s loyal people.
October 11, 2019
20 minutes
The seventh and final observance in God’s holy day plan is the Last Great Day, to be celebrated by members of the Philadelphia Church of God on October 21 this year. Perhaps more than any other holy day, this day proves the unfathomable extent of God’s mercy and patience.
October 4, 2019
22 minutes
At the Feast of Tabernacles each year, Philadelphia Church of God members beam with joy—not just because the Feast is marvelous, but because God commands it! Understand how rejoicing at God’s Feast is an important window into your future. (At the 10:53 mark of this episode, I said that humans in the World Tomorrow would have their own plot of land, about an acre each, rather than living in big cities. I meant this as a vague statement—instead of living in dangerous cities, humans would be more likely to live spread out on their own plot of land. This was an indirect reference to Micah 4:4, which states, in part: “But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree ….” This says nothing about exactly how much land each person will own, so I was just speculating that humans would all have at least some space if they all possess a vine and fig tree.)
September 27, 2019
26 minutes
All mankind has been kidnapped—and they don’t even know it. On October 9, Philadelphia Church of God members will observe the Day of Atonement, which pictures freedom from the master kidnapper: Satan. Listen as host Grant Turgeon explains the need for Satan to be overthrown as king of the world, to be replaced by the perfect government of God.
September 20, 2019
24 minutes
On September 30, members of the Philadelphia Church of God will celebrate the Feast of Trumpets. This pivotal holy day pictures the most important event ever. Learn why this event is necessary, and the numerous positive changes it will make possible all over the Earth.
September 13, 2019
24 minutes
It has become popular to believe that abortion—in at least some scenarios—is an acceptable alternative to personal responsibility. Yet, education, science, government, and religion have been unable to reach a consensus regarding this controversial matter. Learn where to find the only abortion opinion that matters. Understand the staggering parallels between physical and spiritual life.
September 6, 2019
21 minutes
Philadelphia Church of God first lady Barbara Flurry died 15 years ago. Hear some personal stories about her from her grandson, Trumpet Bookshelf host Grant Turgeon. Understand how her painful death is actually a symbol of endless hope.