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Article • September 22, 2023

Article • October 14, 2010

Rising anti-Islam sentiment in Germany will help give rise to a modern-day Hitler.

Article • December 21, 2007

A large percentage of German Muslims have views liable to startle their host country.

Article • November 23, 2007

Article • January 13, 2013

Anti-Islamic sentiments grow in Germany as Europe continues to detest Muslims.

Article • June 15, 2007

Syria is not as pro-democracy as some might think.

Article • June 15, 2010

The surge of fringe right-wing groups is a sign of things to come.

Article • September 23, 2010

The same forces that made the Battle of Tours-Poitiers inevitable are at work today.

Article • June 8, 2021

‘Following the science’ has become a matter of agreeing with a predetermined narrative.

Feature • January 1, 2002

Dramatic events in former Yugoslavia in the past decade have given unmistakable proof of this fact: A dangerously aggressive Germany is rising, and at an accelerated pace!

Article • March 6, 2006

Russia has once again become a central component in global affairs. At the same time, a number of nations are seeking closer relations with Moscow.

Article • December 29, 2010

Article • July 27, 2009

The EU is taking a leading role in the anti-piracy operations in the Indian Ocean.

Article • January 15, 2008

Susanne Winter joins a lengthening list of European leaders calling for Islam to be “thrown back where it came from.”

Article • September 11, 2012

Anti-American protests are becoming more prevalent. Riots in Cairo outside U.S. Embassy proves Egypt’s hatred for its former ally.

Article • December 29, 2015

Can ‘savvy history and politics teachers’ use Adolf Hitler’s manifesto to immunize against political extremism?

Feature • November 1, 2005

Feature • June 1, 2002

What has happened in former Yugoslavia over the past decade reaches far beyond the boundaries of that region.It is so shocking that the nations of this world would be paralyzed with fear if they truly understood! Shamefully, America is its chief architect. Herbert W. Armstrong prophesied of this unparalleled disaster for over 50 years.

Feature • January 1, 1999

Revelation 13 and 17 discuss a dreadful beast that is to rise in this end time. That beast is rising now, and at a very accelerated pace!

Feature • August 1, 2010

Politicians embracing anti-immigration platforms are proving that the right wing is all the rage.